Today, we hear from Marci Quinn, a newly registered voter at age 38 because of Marianne. She'll be 39 when Marianne gets her first-ever vote. MEET: Marci Quinn  | Dear Sharra, My kids recently started elementary school, so I have time to read! I picked up Marianne's book A Return to Love, and then kept reading her library. When I got to A Politics of Love, I had a "political awakening." I realized we need this woman in the White House. So I went online and registered to vote for the first time. Politics never called to me before because I felt as though politicians only put bandaids on problems. It's like Western medicine, always saying, "Take this pill," but never looking at the underlying reason for taking so many pills. Marianne inspires me beyond measure to take action. No longer will I sit idle and complain about what's wrong with this country. I've taken a leadership position, organizing a garden program at my kids' school, and collecting donations for a local nonprofit, Community Solidarity. I'm moving past my own apathy to make a difference. The biggest action I can take is to help Marianne get elected. I am doing everything I can to make that happen. Join me in taking that next big step in your political action by donating to Marianne's campaign. Donate Now. It's one thing you can do to help Marianne's crucial voice reach more and more people to create a ripple effect of change. Marci Quinn, Manhasset, New York p.s. Note from campaign team: What's your story about why you support Marianne? Please reply to this email or send to p.p.s. We need your help TODAY. Please donate toward our end-of-month deadline. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.          |
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