Happy Halloween! We hope your Halloween is filled with sweetness and giggling children.  Earlier today, Marianne shared with us her fearless vision for America's future—one that cultivates peace, not war; one that cultivates health, not sickness; one that takes care of our children and doesn't abandon them; one that reverses climate change and doesn't exacerbate it; one that serves our citizens and doesn't exploit them. See below in case you missed the email from earlier. TONIGHT It's the last day of October and we have a BIG goal today of $50,000. We're more than halfway there. Can you please donate $10 toward this end-of-month goal? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately. Thank you! Patricia Ewing Campaign Manager Marianne Williamson for President ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Marianne Williamson Date: Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 4:50 PM Subject: A New American Chapter To: Patricia Ewing America needs a new beginning. The American people are more exhausted than outraged. And we're tired of bad news. People I meet are more than aware of what's wrong, and want more than anything to know how we can make things right. That's why I hardly ever mention Donald Trump. The American people don't need me to tell you who the president is. What I want to talk about is the new chapter that awaits us on the other side of this sad and dysfunctional one. What does that new beginning look like, and how do we get there? A new chapter begins with a massive infusion of economic hope and opportunity into the life of the average American. A new chapter begins by responding to the challenge of millions of traumatized children with a US Department of Children and Youth. A new chapter begins with a WW2-level mass mobilization to reverse climate change. A new chapter begins with universal health care; free tuition at state colleges, universities, and technical schools; and cancelling the college loans. A new chapter begins with paying reparations for slavery and taking reparative actions toward Native Americans. A new chapter begins with starting a Peace Academy, establishing a US Department of Peace, and making peacebuilding an equal partner of the US military. A new American chapter begins by bringing public policy into alignment with the angels of our better nature, established around one core principle: what would help people thrive? This is not a time to go backwards, but forwards. It's not a time to retread old ideas but to reach for new ones. That's why our campaign is catching fire now. It's outside the box, but the box is toxic...and it's time for a new one. Join me as we put aside a sad and aberrational chapter of our history and begin a new one. Let's rise to the challenge and help America begin again. Nothing could be a more exciting or historic task. It's time. And it's not a moment too soon. With love and respect, Marianne If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.   |