Dear Sharra, On Tuesday, July 30th, I'll be on the DNC debate stage in Detroit with Senators Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar, Mayor Buttigieg, Congressmen O'Rourke, Delaney and Ryan, and Governors Hickenlooper and Bullock. I'm very much looking forward to it. I will seek to speak Big Truth—about who and where we are as a nation, what we need to do to repair our broken democracy, and how to pave a brilliant path forward. As with the first debate, I'm excited to offer you an opportunity to attend the debate in person! Donate any amount to our campaign and you will be entered for a chance to win two tickets to see me at the debates on July 30th in Detroit.  As a guest of the campaign, we'll bring you and one guest to Detroit and back. Plus, you'll get prime seats at the debate. President Trump is not simply a a politician; he is a phenomenon. And the only way to defeat a phenomenon is with another phenomenon: an uprising of consciousness among the American people. We need a deeper understanding and passionate recommitment to what democracy means, and to what it stands for. The only way to override politicized hate is with politicized love. Our love for freedom, our love for each other, our love for the earth, our love for our children, and our love for our country—as a generation let's rise to occasion, standing for the values that give meaning to democracy and to life itself. Donate any amount to our campaign and take a stand for what's possible. Whether in person, or on TV, I'll see you in Detroit! With love, Marianne Donate TO ENTER No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win. To enter without purchase or payment click here. Void where prohibited. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Deadline for entry: 9pm ET, July 24th 2019. Prize consists of flight for two to Detroit, admittance for two to 7/30/19 presidential debate, and one night hotel stay. Approx prize value $1500. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older (or age of majority under applicable law). Subject to Official Rules, including restrictions on eligibility.   |
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