Dear Sharra, Yesterday, Kamala Harris ended her 2020 campaign. Marianne tweeted: I wish @KamalaHarris all best wishes in her continuing journey. Running for president is not easy.... It's exhilarating but it's brutal, and I have deep respect for anyone who has taken it on. Now, what does this mean for Marianne's campaign? One word: Opportunity. In this large field of candidates, when one drops out, we needs to think about and evaluate the impact. First — all candidates but one will lose. Second — each time one drops out, it benefits Marianne's candidacy. Third — the tactics by which we pick up support, and the manner by which we do so (grace and integrity), are paramount to Marianne's success. The question is: Who will Kamala's supporters now move to support? To begin, we know this: Her supporters primarily live in California, are women, many of whom are also African American. Which candidate already has support from all of these groups? Yup — Marianne Williamson. Women? Check. 70% of our donations come from women. California? Absolutely. Marianne draws thousands in California events, ran for Congress there, and lived in California for many years. African Americans? Yes. Marianne has written books and lectured for decades about issues of concern to African Americans, including reparations, economic justice and environmental justice. That is why we are still in this race. That is why we can succeed. You may be new to Marianne or you've been with Marianne for decades, but today is a new day. The winnowing field means wind at our backs. We need donations to rise to capture the hearts and minds of those who supported Harris. Donate now to provide the funds we need to invite them to join our team and grow this movement. Our greatest appreciation and thanks, Patricia Ewing Campaign Manager Marianne Williamson for President If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately. DONATE |
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