Dear Sharra, I cannot wait to watch the livestream of An Evening with Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra in just a few days. What a phenomenal way to support Marianne's campaign for the Presidency! I have had the pleasure of hearing both Dr. Chopra and Marianne speak separately and I wanted to share the fascinating parallels I noted between the two extraordinary experiences. The provocative title of Deepak's book "Quantum Healing" had grabbed my attention in the 90's when mind/body consciousness was controversial in traditional medicine. I took the opportunity to drive to Nashville with a group of nurses to hear him lecture. Being from the medical field, Dr. Chopra had peaked our curiosity with his background as an Endocrinologist. The auditorium was completely sold-out and Naomi Judd—a former nurse herself—was in the audience. Deepak introduced Naomi and she spoke about contracting incurable Hepatitis C. For the rest of the evening, we sat on the edge of our seats, absorbing the wisdom from the eloquent, expert, and exceptional speaker. As my friends and I shared the car-ride home that night, we all felt that Dr. Chopra had offered us the opportunity to participate in a new quest for the possible; and the limitations we had thought incalcitrant seemed open for challenge. Fast forward 25+ years, and I am in Marysville, Tennessee at a political Meet & Greet to meet Marianne Williamson as part of Marianne's U.S. Presidential campaign. The hall in Marysville is completely packed with over 200 participants. I would have been sitting on the edge of my seat—but I am standing—as there was standing room only. Marianne arrived and the crowd went wild. As she started speaking, we were all fixated by her love and passion for our country. Marianne's brilliance and command of knowledge without cue cards or a teleprompter was unbelievable. I have never been so inspired and bursting with excitement for the country and for a cause in my life. Marianne spoke of an integrative model of healing our lives and how people understand this now. She urged us to make internal as well as external changes—politically and socially—as a way of healing the country. There was a young man that stood-out that night. During the Meet & Greet, he expressed how Marianne had saved his live; he wanted to thank her for all she had done for him. Everyone in the audience watched as Marianne responded with such compassion and care. We all walked away feeling so blessed to have been able to witness their exchange, and to have heard the wisdom she imparted. As I reflect on those two experiences—Deepak's and Marianne's—I am struck by the similarities: both speakers—true pioneers of innovative thought, two fully packed audiences, the subject of transformation at the essence of both lectures, and at both talks, featured participants in the audience with medical challenges—individuals who have now had profound healings. What will Deepak and Marianne discuss together on December 16th? What questions will they answer during their rare live Q&A? You have my wholehearted assurance that these two speakers will bring a resonant field of love to all those who are watching. This is one event I can guarantee you will want to experience for yourself! Purchase tickets for the LIVE event in New York City by clicking below:  If you can't make it to New York, join me and other livestreamers and watch Deepak and Marianne from home. Click below to register for the livestream. You will be sent your unique access code for the livestream one hour before the event.   Unique livestream access link will be emailed to registered participants on Monday, December 16, 6:30 PM ET (3:30 PM PT), one hour before this special event begins. With Love and Anticipation, Belinda Cobb   |
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