Dear Sharra, We got the 130,000 unique donors necessary to make the DNC deadline for the third debate! Thank you so much to those of you who made it happen. Now we need to wait for poll results to come out this week, establishing whether we made the additional criterion of 2% in 4 polls. From Oakland to Sioux City to Washington, D.C., we're talking about things that others aren't talking about, stirring up hope and conversation wherever we go. See today's Washington Post article re my position on the women of Afghanistan. [ Read on | Read on ] Check out videos of my latest talks on the campaign trail, and also see our newest campaign video:  My candidacy is on the move now, and that's largely because of you. I hope you will continue to support the campaign so that we can open it even further, and not stop until we reach the White House door. Donate In victory and love, Marianne   |
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