Dear Sharra, We will not defeat the president with a political argument. We will not defeat the president with an economic argument. We will not defeat the president with a purely rational argument. We will defeat the president with a moral argument. Like the space between Goliath's eyes, that is the one area where President Trump has no defense. He cannot defend himself morally or ethically because he doesn't recognize morality and he doesn't recognize ethics. He cannot fight what he cannot see. It has been a lack of ethics and public morality that has left us vulnerable to such a one as he, and it will be the retrieval of ethics and morality in our public policy that will repair the damage he has done and cast the meanness of his politics from our midst. Donate Yet a moral argument cannot be made by someone who doesn't understand moral arguments any more deeply than to recognize that the president's politics are immoral. It is the articulation of a moral politics—both philosophically and in terms of policy—that forms the crux of my campaign, my qualifications, and what I offer the country as a presidential candidate. From an unjust economic system, to a corrupted political system, to millions of traumatized children in America, to our need to reconcile with wrongs in our past, to the abdication of America's moral leadership around the world—I am prepared to take those things on, and use the power of the presidency to bring about change. Donate The hope for this country lies in the embrace of a politics that does not flow like bile from the power of an amoral economic system, but from the power of deep humanitarian principles at the core of our democracy. This speaks not just to changes in Washington but to changes in our hearts as well. These are spiritually revolutionary times. Rehearsal is over. The time of change is now. I hope you will join with me, that at this critical and historic moment we might rise to the occasion and transform America. With gratitude and all best wishes, Marianne P.S. We need fewer than 9,000 more first-time donors to make the DNC deadline of August 28. Please do what you can to make it happen this week!   |
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