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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Enormity Of The Mission

Dear Sharra,

All candidates in the DNC race agree on administrative changes that must occur in the years ahead. The entire structure of the organization must change, and every candidate in the race is aware of it. Yet no technical issues speak to the deeper reasons why Democrats have lost so much of our political power.

There’s an institutional resistance to looking too deep inside the hood of this car. Yet the DNC must speak to the real issues that have hindered our success, or success will not come.

Those issues are not technical, but relational. We have lost the trust of millions of Americans who’ve voted for us in the past, and unless we regain that trust then our political decline will continue. The DNC is essentially a technocratic organization that no longer speaks to the heart of things, thus losing our connection to the heart of the American people.

The problem does not lie with the DNC membership, among which I have encountered soulful, deeply concerned people present in this situation with a servant’s heart. If anything, I sense among members a hunger for depth, spirit, and connection to the deeper reasons the organization exists.

Without those things, the organization is stunted — stunted in our ability to work effectively together as a group, and stunted in our ability to reach the American people.

I am running for DNC Chair in order to change that.

The DNC should be the conscience of the Democratic party, the wisdom council and fierce defenders of American democracy. Particularly given the lawlessness of the current administration, we must view our activity with as much seriousness as any commitment we will make throughout our lives.

We have an enormous mission — to save American democracy from a blithering assault now taking place against it.

That is why as Chair, I will immediately establish the DNC Policy Institute, where we will curate the best ideas being put forth by Democratic lawmakers and push them out to our state partners. We will expose ourselves to the best American thinkers, writers and political philosophers, so that our own understanding will deepen. Our caucuses and councils will share the power of their ideas with the entire membership, and the entire country.

Coupled with the highest excellence in political organizing – 365 days a year campaigning in the most granular way down to the smallest community – we will create an excitement among us, and about us, that will read to the entire country.

Given the current actions of the Trump administration, it is not a preposterous notion to suggest that his ultimate goal, if not to suspend the U.S. Constitution, is to nullify it. Everyone who could stand in his way is either caving, or getting fired. The threat this administration poses is as grave as any faced by our nation before. The DNC is the only non-governmental institution equipped to channel the level of political resistance that is necessary now.

We cannot fail. We must not fail. We will not fail.

As in the words of the Declaration of independence, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, let us mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Our Founders did everything they could to protect this nation from what’s happening right now. Now it’s up to us to take it from here...



You can support Marianne for DNC Chair by asking your state's DNC Members to vote for Marianne Williamson for DNC Chair with the form below.


P.S. Your support will help transform the DNC and our nation. No amount is too small. Thank you!


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