it's the journey not the destination... food, infertility, skin care, brooklyn, gut renovations and marriage.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marianne Speaking Truth To Power

Dear Sharra,

Last night at the MSNBC candidates forum for DNC Chair, Marianne did what she does best. 

Tell the truth!

Some of these truths were hard for party insiders to hear, but most Americans already understand these truths.

After the forum, Marianne was swamped by supporters.

Our country needs to be inspired and energized, both spiritually and politically!

That is why the Democratic Party needs Marianne's visionary leadership.

Campaigns are expensive and we are forwarding Marianne Williamson and her vision to every DNC voter.

Please donate today!

Every donation helps us forward the spiritual and political transformation our nation needs.


With love in our hearts,

Thank you from everybody at Team Marianne!

P.S. Your Voice Matters! Let your state's DNC Members know you support Marianne and ask them to vote for Marianne for DNC Chair!


Thursday, January 30, 2025

We Must Respond

Dear Sharra,

The transformation of the DNC will not be accomplished by external means alone. At such a time as this - as threatening an hour in the history of the United States as we have ever experienced - we must address more than policy. We must address people’s shock. We must address their panic. We must address their fear.

People are looking to us, and we must respond.

It has been ten days since President Trump’s Inauguration. There are great Democrats responding to the president’s actions, from Senator Chris Murphy to Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett to Governors Tim Walz and JB Pritzker and others. They are all Democrats speaking with just the tone and fervor that is needed to meet the moment.

What the DNC must provide is cohesion; we can become a force multiplier, creating a sense that Democrats are speaking with a unified voice. Our Democratic leaders are like golden threads and we must provide the loom.

That should be the task of the DNC: to build a system of collation, curation, and collaboration among all aspects of our party - from leaders, to candidates, to state parties - whereby our various political instruments are turned into a symphony of power. We will use every administrative, organizational, digital, and relational tool in our tool kit. We will show the people of the United States not that we agree on every policy, but that we aligned on our ideals... our values… our vision.

And this, most importantly: our powerful resistance to authoritarianism.

We do not have time to waste in further analysis of the past. The future of the United States is at stake and it is time to move on — not just from the November election, but from the way of doing things that led to it. We must all dig very deep within ourselves for the wisdom and sophistication to respond to the moment that's at hand.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln in his Annual Address to Congress in 1862, “The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”

We must disenthrall ourselves of outmoded paradigms and systems. We must disenthrall ourselves of old beliefs. We must open our hearts as well as our minds, to new thinking, new ideas, and new ways of relating to the American people.

We must have more than plans; we must have courage.

Our founders were not just geniuses. They were brave. They audaciously reached for something new.

And so must we.

I look forward to seeing you in D.C.

Your Voice Matters. Let it be Heard!

Ask your state's DNC Members to vote for Marianne Williamson for DNC Chair with the form below. Transform the DNC and our nation!


P.S. Thank you for your generous support. You are making a difference!


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Enormity Of The Mission

Dear Sharra,

All candidates in the DNC race agree on administrative changes that must occur in the years ahead. The entire structure of the organization must change, and every candidate in the race is aware of it. Yet no technical issues speak to the deeper reasons why Democrats have lost so much of our political power.

There’s an institutional resistance to looking too deep inside the hood of this car. Yet the DNC must speak to the real issues that have hindered our success, or success will not come.

Those issues are not technical, but relational. We have lost the trust of millions of Americans who’ve voted for us in the past, and unless we regain that trust then our political decline will continue. The DNC is essentially a technocratic organization that no longer speaks to the heart of things, thus losing our connection to the heart of the American people.

The problem does not lie with the DNC membership, among which I have encountered soulful, deeply concerned people present in this situation with a servant’s heart. If anything, I sense among members a hunger for depth, spirit, and connection to the deeper reasons the organization exists.

Without those things, the organization is stunted — stunted in our ability to work effectively together as a group, and stunted in our ability to reach the American people.

I am running for DNC Chair in order to change that.

The DNC should be the conscience of the Democratic party, the wisdom council and fierce defenders of American democracy. Particularly given the lawlessness of the current administration, we must view our activity with as much seriousness as any commitment we will make throughout our lives.

We have an enormous mission — to save American democracy from a blithering assault now taking place against it.

That is why as Chair, I will immediately establish the DNC Policy Institute, where we will curate the best ideas being put forth by Democratic lawmakers and push them out to our state partners. We will expose ourselves to the best American thinkers, writers and political philosophers, so that our own understanding will deepen. Our caucuses and councils will share the power of their ideas with the entire membership, and the entire country.

Coupled with the highest excellence in political organizing – 365 days a year campaigning in the most granular way down to the smallest community – we will create an excitement among us, and about us, that will read to the entire country.

Given the current actions of the Trump administration, it is not a preposterous notion to suggest that his ultimate goal, if not to suspend the U.S. Constitution, is to nullify it. Everyone who could stand in his way is either caving, or getting fired. The threat this administration poses is as grave as any faced by our nation before. The DNC is the only non-governmental institution equipped to channel the level of political resistance that is necessary now.

We cannot fail. We must not fail. We will not fail.

As in the words of the Declaration of independence, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, let us mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Our Founders did everything they could to protect this nation from what’s happening right now. Now it’s up to us to take it from here...



You can support Marianne for DNC Chair by asking your state's DNC Members to vote for Marianne Williamson for DNC Chair with the form below.


P.S. Your support will help transform the DNC and our nation. No amount is too small. Thank you!


Monday, January 27, 2025

Get Back Out There And Run!

Dear Sharra,

I heard a sports figure say there are three phases of the athlete’s activity: Rest, Rehab, and Run. After a game, you have to rest. Then you have to repair yourself. Then you have to get back out there and run.

Our rest period was simply shock, as Democrats and other non-Trump supporters took in the reality of our electoral defeats on November 5. Rehab has been the analysis, the soul searching, the efforts to recalibrate after having lost so much. 

Now it’s time to get back out there and run!

It’s been 6 days since Trump’s Inaugural Address and the plethora of executive orders that make up the initial phase of his dictatorial takeover. Those who find words like “dictatorial” hyperbolic - who think we need to be more “moderate in our language,” who are afraid we’ll “offend the center” if we really tell it like it is - should not be directing communications in the next chapter of the DNC. 

If I am Chair, they will not.

Trump is unabashed about pushing his agenda, and so should we about ours. He is fashioning his second Presidency on figures like Victor Orban, the dictator who replaced liberal democracy in Hungary. During his debate with Harris, Trump called Orban “one of the most respected persons, they call him a strong man…tough…smart.” Tucker Carlson likes him too, and in 2023 CPAC even had him speak at their convention.

Obviously Trump does not understand - or perhaps he does, which is even worse - that in political terms “strongman” is not a compliment; it means an authoritarian leader who exerts control through military enforcement. That Trump appointed Pete Hegseth rather than a seasoned, qualified person to run our Department of Defense actually makes sense. Trump doesn’t want anyone as Defense Secretary who might say “Uh, Sir, I don’t think we’re supposed to do that. It’s not American. It’s not even legal.” Quite the opposite. Trump just wants someone in the position who will do exactly what Trump says he wants.

Trump’s former defense Secretary Mike Esper told the public that Trump asked about protesters, “Can’t we just shoot them in the leg?” Of course Esper said “NO SIR.” Yet when Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii asked Pete Hegseth in his Senate confirmation hearing whether he would carry out a Trump order to shoot protesters in the leg, Hegseth refused to say no.

Who among us is not going to remember that, if something happens and we’re considering protesting a Trump policy? Given that Trump’s administration, in the first six days, has already taken down from the White House website the Constitution, the Spanish speaking page, the women’s reproductive rights page, the gun prevention page, and the disabilities page; that Secretary of State Rubio has now banned trans or non binary Americans from applying for a passport with anything other than Male or Female on their application; that trans women are now barred from womens’ prisons; that mass deportation ICE raids are already underway; that all federal health agency meetings have been cancelled until further notice (meaning no further conversation about cancer, deafness or the bird flu); that environmental regulations are being stripped; that all Civil Rights investigations are hereby forbidden; that any mention of DEI is now removed from all federal agencies; that all Inspectors General overseeing federal agencies have been fired; that $190M for childhood cancer research has already been removed from a spending bill… there just might be some things we’d want to protest.

Make no mistake about it. People are not just upset. They are afraid. And the Democratic Party - specifically the DNC - has a sacred responsibility to respond to that fear. We will do so by being as audacious as is Trump. 

As Chair, I would be neither soft bellied or spineless in my communication. I would be meeting daily with our communications teams, our members, our Policy Institute, our media partners, and our party chairs around the country. This nation will be saturated with a vision so American, so democratic, and so true that it will drown out the noise of the autocratic shock and awe campaign being waged by the Trump administration.

In short, enough with the old fashioned stuff. This isn’t 20 years ago. We must be quick, we must be nimble, and we must be fast on our feet. I will train a team of communicators who will amaze, on every media platform and in every nook and cranny of this country. We will motivate, we will inspire…and in time, we will win.

There has never been a time quite like this in America - an assault on our freedom waged from within the White House. But that doesn’t mean our democracy has never been threatened before. It has. But our ancestors handled the problem, and so will we. 

It is imperative that the DNC lead the charge. And we must act now.




Support Marianne for DNC Chair by asking your state's DNC Members to vote for Marianne Williamson for DNC Chair.

Help transform the DNC and our nation!


P.S. Thank you for your support! Every dollar is making a difference!


Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Storm Has Begun

Dear Sharra,

In a country that’s so divided, you run a risk in even saying what’s true. A few days ago a TV weather reporter lost her job because on her X account she tweeted about Elon Musk’s salute. People have to make a living, and there’s a lot less risk just keeping our mouths shut. What’s happening now is not within the normal range of political opposition. President Trump is neither a high minded conservative nor a normal Republican. 

Everything we’ve ever learned about dictators and fascism, and most importantly the role of silence and acquiescence in allowing their rise, is relevant right now. From rolling back Civil Rights protections to halting needed health functions to mass deportations to withdrawing from any allegiance to climate protection and revving up support for Big Oil, he’s on a roll.

Mass deportations having begun, I think of things that could be happening right now. Prohibition against ICE raids at “sensitive spaces” such as schools and churches have been removed, and while border czar Tom Homan says their first target is violent criminals (few have a problem with violent criminals being deported), it’s anyone’s guess who they’ll get to next. Most Americans seem to have little understanding how many are forced to live in the shadows by our own immigration laws. How many will now be hunted down, with no legal protections? 

My heart breaks for children who are traumatized by all this. We are inflicting damage on innocent people in ways for which there is no excuse.

Trump’s mass deportation project is far more about race than it is about immigration. If it were about immigration, Trump himself would not have blocked the remedy contained in an $8B bi-partisan bill that had been worked out in Congress over a year ago. He simply didn’t want Biden to get the win during an election year, therefore told Congressional Republicans to vote against it.

Upon Trump’s return to the White House, the Constitution was removed from the White House website. The Spanish speaking page was immediately removed as well. And until the administration was forced to respond to public outcry, the only message on the page read GO HOME. The page is still gone, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that now it says to Return to Homepage. Clever, right?

White Supremacy is real and it has a political agenda. Yes, Elon’s “gesture” was a Nazi salute. And he doesn’t have to be a Nazi himself - though he sure did have the move and even the look down! - for his action to have been a dog whistle to right wing extremists. Many of those extremists were released from prison in Trump’s full pardon of the January 6th rioters, some now saying they plan to run for office!

Gee, I wonder who would pay for their campaigns...

So who and what will they go after now? It’s anyone’s guess. But there are powerful forces in this country who find a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial society inconvenient to their ideological worldview, and they’ve massed enormous wealth and power with which to halt its ascent. That is the struggle that underlies all this: the essential question, who does American belong to?

White Supremacists and Christian Nationalists are very clear who they think America should belong to, while many of us take the Declaration of Independence to be our mission statement and North Star. For us, America’s sacred creed is this: All men are created equal; endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and governments are instituted to secure those rights. If government isn’t performing that task, it’s the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

Radical stuff in 1776, and radical stuff today. Many have sacrificed greatly, even at the cost of their lives, to protect those ideals and expand their franchise. Clearly, it’s our turn now.

This is more than a contest for the soul of America; it’s now a contest for our very existence as a free, democratic society. And the DNC must be the primary bulwark against those who would assault it.

As Chair of the DNC, I will create and manage a communications center that provides hope and inspiration to the American electorate. Where Trump promotes his politics of hate, we will promote a politics of justice, brotherhood and love. We will win minds and hearts, thus paving the way to wins at the ballot box in 2026 and 2028.

Our ground game will be excellent, and a perfect conduit for the message most needed at this time: That Trump’s vision is what it is, but that we are pushing back on every front.

People will know what we’re doing in their town, in their state, in the House, and in the Senate. They will see us on their picket lines, and they will see us at their rallies. They will know our ideas, and our plans to deliver on them. We will enroll them in our vision for a free and just world. We will provide the hope that together we’ll get through this chapter of madness.

As Chair of the DNC, I will make sure of it. We will proclaim a very different world than Donald Trump is bringing to pass and provide the policies that make it manifest.

No matter what, do not lose hope. Other generations handled this kind of thing, and somehow so will we. I believe in America. And I believe in miracles. We will make it through this storm.

The hour is urgent, but we can do this!

All my best,

P.S. Your Voice Matters!

Sign the form below to let your state DNC Members know to cast their vote for Marianne Williamson for DNC Chair.


Every dollar makes a difference and moves us closer to transforming the DNC and our nation. Thank you for your support!