Dear Sharra,
Today is Valentine's Day, and the culture is inundated with the topic of love.
The ancient Greeks had three words for love: eros (romantic love), philia (brotherly love), and agape (a universal love for God and all humanity).
It was agape love to which Gandhi referred when he said love would heal political, economic and social relationships as well as personal ones. It was agape love to which Martin Luther King, Jr. referred when he said that "establishing the beloved community" was the "ultimate goal" of the Civil Rights movement. And it's agape love that we need today, to heal our country at this critical hour.
Just as in the Indian Independence Movement and the Civil Rights Movement, love will still yet prevail. But today, as then, people must do the work to make it happen. Our harnessing love for political purposes is an effort that did not and does not stop with the end of a presidential campaign. We still have a job to do, we still have a cause to stand for, and we still have a country and a world that need repair.
I hope you'll join me tomorrow either live in Pasadena, or by Livestream (the Livestream will remain up for four days) for our Love & Power event. We'll take a deep look into our hearts, and a deep look at our politics, to create the field of possibility that we most need now.
I look forward to seeing you there!
With love…on Valentine's Day, and every day,
Join Us ~ Live or by Livestream


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