Dear Sharra, Let's not forget: it's not just the White House that's hotly contested this year. All seats in the House of Representatives and 35 Senate seats are in play as well! I'm writing to you now about a man named Mike Siegel, running in Texas' 10th District. Mike's congressional race means a lot to me because I was born and raised in Houston. I remember a Texas that was rich in the values that make America great, and it has saddened me to see my home state represented at times by people who do not express those ideals. Mike is running to replace a Republican congressman named Michael McCaul. McCaul designed the House versions of Trump's Muslim Ban and family separation policy, two acts egregiously in opposition to what America is supposed to stand for. Those of us wishing to see the U.S. government reflect the angels of our better nature have no interest in seeing someone like McCaul return to office. Mike Siegel, on the other hand, stands for human rights, humanitarian values and common decency. He's a Texas civil rights attorney, a married man with two children, and a great congressional candidate. Most importantly, he has the best chance to replace McCaul—but he needs our help in order to do it. Having run for office myself, I know what it means when Mike says he needs help building his field campaign. A congressman doesn't just represent his district; he represents America. I'm writing to you now so that all of us can help him. Mike's campaign is running hard on labor issues and the Green New Deal. This has not only earned him the support of folks like the Sunrise Movement and 350 Action, but also the Texas AFL-CIO, even though many of the workers in the Texas 10th are a part of the fossil fuel industry. He has taken a strong stand on climate change and voting rights, on justice for Rodney Reed (a Texas death row prisoner who grew up in TX-10), and on providing a living wage with a dignified retirement. March 3rd isn't just Super Tuesday for the presidential candidates, it is also the big day for many congressional candidates all over the country. Early voting in Texas starts on February 18th. The money we raise for Mike today will help his campaign bring voters to the polls and keep getting his message out. You and I both know how much this matters. Please help create a wave of enthusiasm that will return our government to the best of who we are. With love, Marianne Donate to support Mike Siegel here: DONATE MORE !    |
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