Dear Sharra, I learned a lot from running for President. Some things were lessons I learned about America's political system, some were lessons about the American people, and some were lessons about myself. All of what I learned—both that which was pleasurable and that which was painful—was important to my understanding of our country and to what it will take to change it. As I integrate my personal and political experiences of the past year, I'm eager to share the lessons that I learned. Whether as candidates for office, or simply as people wanting to up our experience of citizenship, we have much to discuss, much to question, and much to learn in these momentous times. We can create a new political movement now—a nonviolent revolution of political consciousness—entailing not only changes in our political system and changes in our policies, but also changes in us. Living responsibly in these times demands courage, strength, and enthusiasm for what's possible. Join with me on Saturday, February 15—either live or via livestream—for a day of deeper understanding, as together we forge new possibilities for the world and for ourselves. All proceeds from the event will go towards retiring our campaign debt. I look forward to getting that part of things behind me, and I appreciate your support in doing so. Hopefully I'll see you on February 15!
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