This letter is from one of you, a campaign supporter. Today we hear from Jesse Houk of Manhattan, NY. MEET: Jesse Houk  | Dear Sharra, I had a bit of a wake-up moment these past few days in terms of American politics. This election brings to mind the traumatizing John Kerry campaign of 2004, during which we desperately searched for a candidate who could prevent a second Bush term. We decided to play it safe and we settled with the most 'electable' candidate of the pack. We chose Kerry even though nobody was excited about Kerry. Kerry wasn't even excited about Kerry. Deep down we all knew that this lack of excitement would never carry him over the line. And it didn't: playing it safe handed Bush his second term. I feel that we are once again heading to such a moment with the current candidates. Sure enough, each candidate has very committed backers and fans, but there seems to be no single candidate who has united all Democrats and shot ahead from the pack. So if none of the candidates can generate the unifying excitement required to beat Trump, in a field of candidates where everyone is unelectable, I will no longer prematurely be swayed by the argument of electability. Of course I will ultimately vote D in the general election, but for now I will start supporting the candidate who personally makes the most sense to me, rather than someone whose electability I've attempted to predict from incalculable media reports and impetuous polls. I announce this with a feeling of apology to a candidate whom I have long admired, yet dismissed as a viable candidate based on my concerns about electability. I am supporting the person I actually believe in, rather than drinking the consolation kool-aid, or falling for a moderate Republican on a Democratic ticket, or switching to the candidate du-jour. Marianne Williamson, I am sorry it took me this long, but I am on board. Jesse Houk Manhattan, New York p.s. Note from campaign team: What's your story about why you support Marianne? Please reply to this email or send to p.p.s. We need your help TODAY. Please donate: every donation matters.  DONATE   |
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