This letter is from one of you, a campaign supporter. Today we hear from Char Potterbaum of Smyrna, Tennessee. MEET: Char Potterbaum  | Dear Sharra, During my 87 years of Loving Life, I have always paid close attention to anything that comes to me twice or more on the same day. Early this year, I got two excited texts from friends in two different states, both sharing the same piece about Marianne Williamson running for president. My heart truly did a happy dance, as I had read her books and knew of her spiritual strength. I must admit: even though it made my heart sing, on first hearing about this, I didn't think she had a chance. That is, until about three minutes into her presentation sent to me by friends. Then my heart went into overload and the tears fell from my eyes. Because she nailed it! Every word and every gesture carried to me by a Power in pin-drop stillness as she laid out the strategy for what our country needs. She implored us to take responsibility for the mess our country is in. She did not put the blame on Donald Trump. She blasted the "trickle-down theory" that had a strangle-hold on our country for the last forty years. People, I don't know how long I have yet to live. But I want so very much to know—before I die—that somehow this climate thing will be cleared up when I'm not here anymore. Because I, who married an only child, wound up having six children, who gave me twenty-plus grandchildren, who then gave me twenty-some great-grandchildren, and then one great-great grandchild! I want peace and prosperity for them, clean air, and clean water. I want them to have the kind of guidance they deserve from a government that is "of the people, for the people and by the people." And from everything I have heard and witnessed so far, Marianne Williamson has laid out the solutions to all of this. I hope you will watch her videos, read her issues platform, look deeply into her policies, and then wipe your eyes, clear your heart and send her some support. For my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and for your children and grandchildren (if you have them), and for everyone's children, please donate generously to Marianne's campaign, to see this dream become reality. She can't do this without us. You will be blessed! Char Potterbaum Smyrna, Tennessee p.s. Note from campaign team: What's your story about why you support Marianne? Please reply to this email or send to p.p.s. We need your help TODAY. Please donate: every donation matters. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.    |
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