Dear Sharra, Reparations for slavery has long been a cause that I care about and champion. It is a spiritual principle that we can't have the future want if we're not willing to clean up the past. Whether it's Catholics going to confession, Jews on Yom Kippur, or people in 12-step recovery programs, taking a fearless moral inventory and admitting the exact nature of their wrongs...America must now clean up our past in order to release the future to new possibilities. As president, I will help this country end an aberrational chapter in our history and begin a new one. Yet that we cannot do if we're not willing to make amends for past mistakes. That is why, in the areas of our relationship to both descendants of slaves and Native Americans, our country has some work to do. Please watch our new video REPARATIONS: An Idea Whose Time Has Come  Share the video, read my plan for Reparations, and remember: reparations for slavery is not a cost, it is a benefit. It is an economic stimulus. It is time for us to strive for greatness. Small random acts of kindness are not enough. Small incremental changes are not enough. We need huge, strategized acts of doing the right thing. Let's evolve. Let's change. Let's grow. Let's begin again. All my best, Marianne    |
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