Dear Sharra, Donald Trump has ushered in an era of political theater, and we will not be going back. Outrageous lies can only be defeated by outrageous truth. It is not just Democrats or liberals who wish to see this president replaced. There are conservatives and independents as well, ready to be brought together for what Martin Luther King Jr. called a "coalition of conscience." America will transform when we're willing to look at ways our public policies aren't aligned with the angels of our better nature: when we address the unnecessary suffering in our midst...when we become more reverent toward the earth...when we stop leading with brute force...when we're willing to right historical wrongs.
My policies accomplish this in fundamental and transformative ways. A president for the 21st-century needs to understand how people change, as much as she needs to understand how policies change. She must be able to look into the heart and address our moral core. She must inspire the better angels of America...not just within Democrats, but within conservatives, independents, libertarians and everyone else. And she must do so in a way that is as powerful, as dramatic, and as compelling as is necessary to win. I know the one who can do that. We need to drop "But she can never win" —and replace it with "Actually, she's the one who can." Please give generously so we can knock it out of the park.
 With love,
Marianne   |
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