| Sharra, I am asking you to make a $3 monthly donation to ActBlue as part of a massive effort to strengthen and scale our tools to support tens of thousands of state and local groups running small-dollar fundraising programs. Here's why: The midterm elections proved that when Democratic campaigns and progressive organizations empower small-dollar donors and build grassroots movements at every level, they win elections. That's why we set an ambitious goal of strengthening our online fundraising platform to support tens of thousands of state and local groups so that they can scale up their small-dollar digital fundraising and organizing efforts to win in 2019 and 2020. But as a nonprofit, we cannot take on this massive project alone. What we need today is a lot of small-dollar donors like you chipping in to power this effort, because those donations add up and make a difference — especially this early in the election cycle. That's why we have to ask: Can you chip in a monthly $3 donation to ActBlue today? We'll put your contribution right to work strengthening our fundraising platform so that more state and local campaigns can continue building powerful grassroots movements and win elections. | If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: | | | | | | Here's the truth: The only way to win and transform this country is if small-dollar donors are involved at every level — including state and local. That's why we are committed to building out our platform right now so that our tools can work for tens of thousands of state and local groups. By making a monthly contribution to ActBlue today, your investment will go a long way toward building out the lasting infrastructure to support more grassroots movements this election cycle and beyond. That's why your donation is so important and why we ask: Make a $3 monthly donation to ActBlue right now. Your contribution will go directly toward strengthening our tools and technology so that state and local campaigns and progressive organizations can grow their movements and win. Thank you in advance for your donation and for owning a piece of this effort. — Hannah, Sara, Emily, and the rest of the team |
 | Dear Sharra, Twice a month, Marianne hosts a live Citizens Campaign Call to connect with her supporters, discuss important issues, and give updates on the campaign. Tonight's call -- beginning at 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern -- will stream a talk Marianne is giving live tonight in South Carolina with William Darity, Jr. and Kirsten Muller on Reparations. Click here to register and join the call on Zoom. Marianne first wrote in her 1997 New York Times bestseller "Healing the Soul of America", that to heal our nation, we need African American reparations. To her, this is about healing, growth, and creating a moral climate for acceptance among all races. She believes that to start to bring our country together, we need to take responsibility as a nation for our transgressions in the past, with none larger and more devastating than slavery. Please join tonight's call here to learn more about Marianne's positions on reparations. We appreciate your interest in the campaign and hope to see you tonight! All our best, Team Marianne 2020 | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
 | Dear Sharra, According to the Declaration of Independence, "governments are instituted among men to secure our rights ...to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." It is not enough that such sentiments be inscribed on marble walls, or written on parchment and kept behind glass in a stately museum. They must be inscribed on our hearts generation after generation, or they lose their moral force. We must personally embrace these principles, for only there lies our defense against the forces that would oppose them. The Trump administration furthered its efforts to end the Affordable Care Act on Monday, arguing before a federal appeals court that it believes the entire law should be abolished. If the appeals court accepts the argument, millions of people could lose health insurance, including those who gained coverage through the expansion of Medicaid and those who have private coverage subsidized by the federal government. It is almost unfathomable to me that a government which, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, and for the people" would act so punitively toward the American people. And the issue is much bigger than health care. For Lincoln said a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people would not perish from the earth" - and with actions like these, it is perishing now. Apparently, when it comes to health care we have become a government "of the health insurance companies, by the health insurance companies, and for the health insurance companies;" a government "of the pharmaceutical companies, by the pharmaceutical companies, and for the pharmaceutical companies." That is more than an attack on our health care. It is an attack on the moral foundations of our democracy. Every American, whether we ourselves have health care or not, should be offended by such an action and should rise up in passionate resistance. I will continue to make the argument for universal health care; in the richest nation in the world, it is simply the right thing to do. Thank you so much for your support. It means everything.  All my best, Marianne Williamson PS: Watch for my further thoughts on America's health care system, coming tomorrow... | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
 | Dear Sharra, What a time we had in New Hampshire with Marianne these past few days! As a former New Hampshire Congressman and US Senate candidate, I've had some experience campaigning in the Granite State and I've seen more than a few presidential candidates, including as national co-chairman for Barack Obama. I've rarely seen a candidate turn heads like Marianne. Marianne's message and energy had folks cheering. We received some great press coverage from WMUR, the statewide TV station, as Marianne visited a home for homeless mothers and children in Nashua. Marianne also taped a town hall "Conversation with the Candidate" Thursday, March, 21. Here is a clip from Marianne's Town Hall.  Here is the entire Town Hall. We barnstormed across the state from North to South and East to West, from Concord to Nashua, from Dover to Keene. The March tour included meetings with top Democratic leaders in the state including members of the DNC, college students, leaders of the State Senate and House, and important NGO's such as the League of Conservation Voters. Marianne wowed both followers and newly curious Granite State primary voters at a packed house party in Concord. From standing ovations in the historic Hancock Town library, to intimate gatherings in New Hampshire living rooms, folks came in sometimes asking "Marianne who?" and they left saying "Marianne WOW!" Marianne is on the move in New Hampshire, and from the press to the politicos the people of New Hampshire are responding in a big way to her message of renewing the American spirit and transforming our politics and governance. Now let's get her those 65,000 donations so Marianne can be on the DNC debate stage! Onward!  Yours, Paul Hodes New Hampshire State Director/Sr. Campaign Advisor Marianne Williamson for President | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
 | "If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger." — US Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Dear Sharra, Last week I visited the Three Square Food Bank in Las Vegas, where they serve more than 271,000 people who are food insecure in Southern Nevada alone. That means one in eight people there don't know where their next meal is coming from. Children and seniors are the most vulnerable populations; one in five children live in food insecure households. 65% of the students in that school district rely on free or reduced priced meals.  With Brian Burton, President and CEO of Three Square It's hard to believe this is America, right? Yet this is not just how things are in Nevada. It is the situation throughout America, the richest country in the world. 41 million of our fellow Americans go hungry every day. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), more than 12 million children in the United States live in "food insecure" homes. Hungry people are less likely to vote & people who aren't hungry are less likely to notice. But when I am elected president, not one hungry child will go unnoticed by me. Hunger in America is an eminently solvable problem, still in existence in the richest country in the world for only one reason: that we have not exerted the political will to end it. This kind of moral dysfunction is at the heart of many of our national challenges, and it's only in addressing them at that level that we will be able to solve them. Please give as generously as you can, so that our campaign to reclaim the soul of America can be all that it can be. Let us not forget the hungry. Let us not acquiesce to societal greed. Let us not allow ourselves to be corrupted by voices that say money, not love, is what matters most.  We will end hunger in America when and if we decide to. It is a pillar of my campaign that as a nation we must eradicate this scourge. And with your help, we will. With love for all of us… Marianne PS: Please remember we need 65,000 unique donations of even $1 to make it to the DNC debate stage in June! To those of you who have been spreading the word and increasing your donations, I am deeply grateful. If you haven't yet donated, I hope you will consider sending at least $1 now. Also:  Please join my next Live Citizen Campaign Call -- The Case for Reparations: A Conversation with William Darity and Kirsten Mullen -- on Wednesday, March 27 at 5:30pm PT / 8:30pm ET. Click here to register for the call. | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
We've sent a few fundraising emails this month, so I wanted to take a minute and provide some context on why we send these messages. | Hi Sharra, We've sent a few fundraising emails this month, so I wanted to take a minute and provide some context on why we send these messages. First, we have some modest monthly fundraising goals that we have to hit to keep our tools up and running. They aren't astronomical, since ActBlue is a nonprofit, but they do help cover the cost of scaling our technology. When you make a monthly donation to us, we put your investment right to work so that more small-dollar donors can use our platform and make their voices heard. That's important. Second, it's no secret Republicans and their millionaire friends are trying to replicate our technology. That means we have to work twice as hard to protect our grassroots momentum with fewer resources. That's frankly a big challenge. Your monthly donation makes it possible for more campaigns, organizations, and donors to use our tools and keeps our side ahead of the GOP. It also keeps fundraising appeals like this one to a minimum. That's why we're asking: Can we count on you to make a $3 monthly donation today? Your contribution not only keeps us on track to hit our modest March fundraising goal, but it also goes directly to strengthening the technology needed to scale this grassroots movement. | If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: | | | | | | We are grateful for your support, Sharra. Responses to emails like these are pretty incredible, and they're a key reason why we are able to provide more Democratic campaigns, progressive organizations, and donors with an easy-to-use fundraising platform. And that's important because if we are ever going to truly transform this country and democratize power, it's going to happen because highly motivated people like you stepped up to own a piece of this movement. Your monthly donation today does that, which is why we ask: Make a $3 monthly contribution to ActBlue today. Your donation goes directly to strengthening our tools and building out an incredible grassroots movement. We cannot do it alone. This is important. From all of us at ActBlue, thanks. — Hannah, Emily, Alli, and the rest of the team |
 | Dear Sharra, To reach the bar of 65,000 unique contributors needed to get onto the DNC debate stages, we're working as hard as we can to make it happen. Yet the more the process goes on, the more I realize that all these hoops candidates have to jump through are exactly what's wrong with American politics. No group of people, either party establishment or media, should be able to assign themselves the role of gatekeepers of our democracy. They shouldn't be able to say who and who is not a "long shot" candidate, who and who is not mentioned in polls, allowed in debates, or worthy of serious consideration. This kind of thing is corrosive to our democracy, and being in the belly of this particular beast is an interesting experience. Here is an article from yesterday's Washington Post to update you on the 65,000 unique contributers issue. As you can see, every candidate has to deal with it. Read Here. That's the dog and pony show – and then there's what actually happens on the ground! From the people I meet, to the conversations in which we engage, to the posts I see from others, I feel the wind at my back when I'm actually talking to voters on the campaign trail. I hope you will do everything possible - donate any amount, tell your friends, put it on your social media, shout it from the rooftops in whatever way you can — to put me onto the DNC debate stage. We need a campaign, and we need a president, who represents political vision and not just political mechanics. I feel my words landing with voters, and I hope you will continue to support me as I make this journey. Together, we can do more than take a journey — we can make history. With love, Marianne Williamson  | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
 | Dear Sharra, When 50 people at prayer were murdered while praying at their mosques this week in Christchurch, New Zealand, millions of people all over the world joined our hearts in sorrow. Frequently it takes a tragedy such as this to remind us that we are one human family. All people of good will are now holding the people of New Zealand in their hearts. We pray for the victims and for those who now agonize over their loss. We hope that God will help them to bear their unbearable sorrow. Evil can strike anywhere, and no nation is immune. But regardless where it strikes, there is a particular, virulent form of evil that the massacre in New Zealand represents: the scourge of white nationalism and its re-emergence on the earth today. In New Zealand, and even in the United States, it has reared its very ugly head. While the murderer has been apprehended, the evil philosophy he expressed with his heinous actions cannot be jailed; it must be expunged from human consciousness. That cannot happen unless we are willing to accept that the evil is alive, as it has been alive at other times in history, and will continue to express itself whenever and however it is allowed to do so. America's intelligence agencies are aware of the problem as it exists in the United States, have the expertise to deal with it, and yet lack the proper resources with which to do so. They need a president who is willing to wield the full powers of the presidency to support their efforts. I would do that. I realize the depth of the problem not only politically but spiritually, and I would powerfully address it on the level of both. In a few days, at a time more respectful of this period of mourning for New Zealand's victims, I will outline in detail the efforts that are needed to wage peace in our country. Those who love will yet override the destructive activities of those who hate, both here and around the world. It will take a concerted effort, a conviction that comes from deep in our hearts, for our generation to rise to this challenge in our time. We must do it, and we will. In the name of those whose lives have been lost, and in honor of their memory, let us create a world in which so much love is present that such evil shall be no more. Let us do what we need to do - in our hearts, in our schools, in our communities, and in our politics - to deny white nationalism any hold on our precious world. May the victims of the Christchurch massacre rest in peace, and may those of us who remain here now rise to do what is ours to do. As Americans, let us pray for the peace and well-being of all New Zealanders, all Muslims, and all the people of the world. With all best wishes, Marianne Williamson | Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President | | |
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