Dear Sharra, When I ask you to support the Marianne Williamson for President campaign, I'm not asking so we can do the impossible. I'm asking so we can do the possible! Since the beginning of my campaign, there have been those who said it was a fool's errand…that no one would notice…that there was simply no point, since I am neither an elected official nor a huge business mogul nor even a reality star. But my heart said to do it, and my heart says to continue. I have felt from the beginning of this campaign what I've always felt in my career — that I'm saying what everyone I know is saying; I'm just saying it into the microphone. Everyone I know is aware that America has gone off the rails economically, politically and spiritually. Everyone I know is aware that millions of our children are at risk in unnecessary and dangerous ways, yet we basically just normalize their despair. Everyone I know is aware that racial injustice is a systemic problem, unaddressed by the status quo. Everyone I know is aware that our government functions primarily to serve the already very rich. And everyone I know is aware that America's military adventurism is like a runaway train that no one quite knows how to stop. Everyone knows it, but too few are saying it — particularly within our political establishment. And that's why I am running.  I'm not running just to complain about those problems, but to propose specific solutions. From a massive infusion of economic hope and opportunity into the life of the average American, to the formation of a U.S. Dept. of Children and Youth, to reparations for past wrongs toward descendants of slave and Native Americans, to a vigorous focus on peace creation and a US Dept. of Peace, I am proposing a fundamental disruption of America's political and economic status quo. I am suggesting that we clean up the past in order to free the future, and that we bring our governmental policies back into alignment with the highest principles of our democracy and our deep humanity. We got our CNN Town Hall, and have now made the 65,000 unique donors that will get me onto the DNC debate stage. More and more interviews, with more and more exposure, are happening every day. And I am campaigning in states ranging from Iowa to Nevada to Michigan to South Carolina and more.  No, this is not a fool's errand. Quite the opposite. Only an outside-the-box candidacy will put us on a sustainable path forward. And most importantly of all, only something genuinely unique will have a chance of defeating President Trump in 2020. Sometimes the "safe choice" in life is the most dangerous thing you can do. Please give generously, and give today. It's time for a miracle in America, and we can have one.  With love and gratitude, Marianne |
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