Dear Sharra, There's a lot of talk these days about the Green New Deal, and for good reason. I do support a Green New Deal, and I want to be very clear about why. We need job opportunities for more Americans. We need massive infrastructure repair. And we need to green our economy. A Green New Deal does all three. The Green New Deal cites the UN Study that says that we only have a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. The Green New Deal assumes that the only way to save our climate is to make huge and fundamental changes to the underlying systems that have created the climate crisis. The Green New Deal sets the goal of making America a zero emissions nation by 2030. In addition, it mandates universal health care and a guarantee of a living wage for every American, reinforces the strength of unions, and mentions enacting and enforcing trade rules with strong labor and environmental protections. Opposition to the Green New Deal comes of the form of those who say it will be "bad for business," but in too many cases an unrestrained business sector has been bad for our democracy and bad for our lives. The American people should no longer acquiesce to the canard that making short terms profits for fossil fuel companies – or any other major corporate conglomerate – is somehow "better for business." In fact, while such an amoral organizing principle has increased the profits for a few Americans, it has led to devastation for far too many. As president, I will not forget this. I believe in capitalism with a conscience, and responsible business leaders will find me an enthusiastic partner in any effort to claim for the capitalist enterprise a moral and ethical center. I support the Green New Deal because we cannot wait any longer to repair our country. A better version of same old same old will not disrupt a dysfunctional trajectory. Some things need to change in this country, and if I am president they will. Please give generously to support this journey. Your contribution is essential, and I am grateful.  All my best, Marianne Williamson |
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